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The latest news, resources, and opportunities in the EE community

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naaee logo, teal icon of north america and circle around it, "North American Association for Environmental Education"
August 9, 2023

Announcing the EE 30 Under 30 Class of 2023!

Join us in congratulating this year's 31 (yes, 31!) EE 30 Under 30 awardees who represent the incredible talent, passion, and leadership of young changemakers around the world.

Meet the new class >


2023 NAAEE Conference & Research Symposium logoPrepare for the 2023 NAAEE Conference, Held Online!

With less than two months until the 52nd Annual Conference and 20th Research Symposium, you can now explore the Schedule at a Glance, including keynotes, concurrent sessions, workshops, and meetups. Find out about our early registration drawing for a $100 gift card and more!

See the preliminary schedule >


Flooded rural roads are blocked by white and orange hazard signs reading "High Water."Amplifying Youth Voices for Community Action

Learn how Earth Force’s partnership with ee360+ merges civic engagement and environmental education to empower young individuals to drive positive change at St. Francis de Sales High School in Illinois.

Read more >


The Green Skaters of Slovakia

A community of young skaters has been making a difference in Poprad, Slovakia by adapting “plogging,” a Swedish term for picking up trash while jogging, to their sport of skateboarding.

Learn more >


Cover of International Journal of Early Childhood Environmental Education (IJECEE) Volume 10, Number 2International Journal of Early Childhood Environmental Education (IJECEE)

This peer-reviewed open-access journal promotes early childhood EE for global readership and includes material on Indigenous knowledge sharing and botanical literacies in early childhood education, the reconceptualization of children in nature, and more.

Download Vol. 10, No. 2 of IJECEE >


New Webinar! Creating a New Green Future 

Aug 17, 10 PM EDT
Join the upcoming GEEP webinar to learn about zero-waste practices and the role of education in building green lifestyles. 

Register >

Leading for Change

Inquire by Sept 1
This interactive session will provide guidance on facilitating and designing community training opportunities. The Community Engagement: Guidelines for Excellence session will be hosted by the ee360+ team at Antioch University New England.

Learn more >


From the eePRO Community


Professional Development

Project Planning for Wildlife Conservation

Stakeholder Engagement for Wildlife Conservation

Environmental Professionals of Color (EPOC) EE Gathering

Creating Gender-Inclusive Camps

More >


Grants, Contests, Publishing

Polar STEAM Call for Educators

Endangered Species Essay Project

Grow Artemis Moon Trees

NOAA's Ocean Acidification Listening Sessions

More >


For Students and Educators

Climate Visuals Project

Seven Principles for Visual Climate Change Communication

Nature-Based Children's Literature

Charleston: Race, Water, and the Coming Storm

More >

Join NAAEE’s eePRO community to network with environmental education professionals around the world.
1250 24th Street, NW
Suite 801
Washington, DC 20037
This email bulletin is funded by the Office of Environmental Education at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency through ee360+, the Environmental Education and Training Program led by NAAEE under Assistance Agreement No. NT 84019001. It has not been formally reviewed by EPA. The views expressed in this document are solely those of the NAAEE, and EPA does not endorse any products or commercial services mentioned in this publication.
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