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The latest news, resources, and opportunities in the EE community

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naaee logo, teal icon of north america and circle around it, "North American Association for Environmental Education"
March 27, 2024

"2024 NAAEE Call for Presentations!" yellow cityscape on white background "53rd Annual Conference November 6–9; 21st Annual Research Symposium November 5–6"

Submit Your Presentation for NAAEE 2024 by April 26

Present on topics ranging from leadership building and advancing civic engagement to research on culturally relevant pedagogy and educating for climate change. Submit your proposal >

We are also seeking reviewers with at least five years of experience to help review proposals between May 1 and May 17. Sign up here >


Young Climate Authors session in progress.  Photo credit: Abubakr JamalA CEE-Change Fellow Expands Their Reach from Local to International

Aneesa Jamal shares how the CEE-Change Fellowship helped expand her Young Climate Authors Program across three continents to educate communities on climate change and climate justice through writing, illustration, and publishing.

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New York City Skyline E-STEM Grantee Reflects on EE Advocacy

Binod Neupane, the executive director of United Community Nepal, a 2023 Pratt & Whitney E-STEM Innovation Grant Awardee, shares about joining the National Wildlife Federation on a lobbying mission in New York.

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Abstract illustration of roots in blue, pink, green, and yellowPerspectives on Belonging: Naturally Latinos Conference Takeaways

In January 2024, NAAEE staff members attended Nature Forward's Naturally Latinos Conference, which centered the theme on "Belonging: Our Roots, Our Earth." Keynotes and discussions highlighted strategies for diversity and inclusion, and we are happy to share some that resonated with us.

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A smiling outdoor educator signs to a young child. NatStart24 logo in top right.

NatStart24 Registration Opens Soon!

July 31–Aug 2
The Natural Start Alliance will gather hundreds of early childhood educators virtually and together in Portland, Oregon to discuss research, practices, and the future of nature-based early learning.

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Dusky Langur Conservation Through EE and Citizen Science

Read the GEEP's latest case study on EE's role in creating harmony between humans and wildlife in Malaysia.

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From the eePRO Community


Professional Development

Plastics: Impacts and Action

Improve EE Programming with Culturally Responsive and Equitable Evaluation

MAAEYC Spring Mini-Conference

Your Future in Green Jobs Mentorship Program

Summer Institute for Climate Change Education

More >


Grants, Contests, Publishing

The Iris Prize 2024

Wicked Problems in PreK–12 Science Education

Michigan Children & Nature Coalition

Contribute to Climate Literacy in Education Journal

Recycle Regatta Is Underway

ANCA Summit Accepting Proposals

More >


For Students and Educators

Children’s Books that Celebrate Women in Science

Black Faces, White Spaces: Reimagining the Relationship of African Americans to the Great Outdoors

"New Mexico Land & Water Funding Bill Strengthens Tribal Engagement & Boosts Outdoor Equity"

Create a Job Advertisement to Be a Fisher

More >

Join NAAEE’s eePRO community to network with environmental education professionals around the world.
1250 24th Street, NW
Suite 801
Washington, DC 20037
This email bulletin is funded by the Office of Environmental Education at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency through ee360+, the Environmental Education and Training Program led by NAAEE under Assistance Agreement No. NT 84019001. It has not been formally reviewed by EPA. The views expressed in this document are solely those of the NAAEE, and EPA does not endorse any products or commercial services mentioned in this publication.
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