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The latest news, resources, and opportunities in the EE community

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naaee logo, teal icon of north america and circle around it, "North American Association for Environmental Education"
May 8, 2024

2024 Youth Innovation Challenge: Advancing Marine Conservation

Apply by June 12
In partnership with the Taiwan Ocean Conservation Administration, GEEP invites young people around the world (ages 15–30) to share their innovative solutions to protect marine resources. This year the contest explores how we can address marine issues and engage people of all ages in protecting the marine environment. Three winners will each receive a $1,000 USD prize!

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Shape of the U.S. with pink sharing for eePRO members in hot pinkHow Program Evaluators Track the Ripple Effect

Using zip codes and mapping, COSI Center for Research and Evaluation demonstrates ee360+'s progress towards equity, diversity, and justice goals in the latest Ripple Effect blog post.

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A hand reaches down to pick up a crumpled plastic bottle in the sand. Resolving Tensions in Climate Change Education

NAAEE community member Elisa Mattson navigates how to strike the right combination of encouraging personal actions for the environment while continuing to emphasize climate action support.

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Blue watery background with bubbly text that reads from left to right, "Creative Water Contest.. Ripple Effect. Make Waves for Water Awareness. Win a $100 Gift Card." The EPA and Youth Engaged Change logos at the bottom.2024 EPA Creative Water Contest

Open through May 12
The Environmental Protection Agency is calling for responses from youth (ages 13–24) about why water is important in their community or a description of why they would consider a career in the water workforce. Winners receive a $100 gift card. 

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a graphic advertising the PLT WET and WILD conference in San Antonio Texas May 13-17Better Together: Our EE Ecosystem

May 13–17, 2024
For the first time in more than 25 years, Project Learning Tree (PLT), Project WET, and Project WILD are coming together for a joint conference in San Antonio to discuss best practices in education and trends in environmental education.

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Countdown to NatStart24!

July 31–Aug 3
Register now for the Nature-Based Early Learning Conference taking place in Portland, Oregon, and explore this year's theme, Charting Our Future.

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Youth Outdoor Policy Playbook Re-Released

The Youth Outdoor Policy Partnership explores the latest state-level policy updates, winning coalition-building strategies, and exciting new success stories in this webinar.

View the recording >

From the eePRO Community


Professional Development

What Does Equitable Engagement Mean for Your Nature Center?

Climate Advocacy: Making Policy Change

Building the Future for K–12 Green Schools

Wildlife of the Superior National Forest and Climate-Driven Changes

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Grants, Contests, Publishing

Global Schools Advocates Accepting Applications

Climate Action Accelerator Program

Graduate Assistantships in EE and Food Justice

GreenFaith's Rising Leaders Fellowship

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For Students and Educators

Guidelines for Excellence Series

"CNN’s Chief Climate Correspondent Bill Weir Adapts to Climate Change" Podcast

Virtual Field Trip to St. Lawrence River

More >

Join NAAEE’s eePRO community to network with environmental education professionals around the world.
1250 24th Street, NW
Suite 801
Washington, DC 20037
This email bulletin is funded by the Office of Environmental Education at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency through ee360+, the Environmental Education and Training Program led by NAAEE under Assistance Agreement No. NT 84019001. It has not been formally reviewed by EPA. The views expressed in this document are solely those of the NAAEE, and EPA does not endorse any products or commercial services mentioned in this publication.
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