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The latest news, resources, and opportunities in the EE community

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naaee logo, teal icon of north america and circle around it, "North American Association for Environmental Education"
July 10, 2024

Three yellow bridges lead to the city of Pittsburgh. Yellow and white text "NAAEE Conference and Research Symposium."

Registration Is Open for NAAEE 2024!

Registration is now open for NAAEE's Annual Conference (November 6–9) & Research Symposium (November 5–6) taking place in Pittsburgh, PA in partnership with the Pennsylvania Association of Environmental Educators. Drawing inspiration from Pittsburgh's iconic bridges, this year’s theme of "Building Bridges" emphasizes the EE community's role in developing solutions by working collaboratively, nurturing innovative partnerships, and amplifying program impact.

Learn more about the keynotes, scholarships, & special events, and register! >

Please share this announcement with your networks > NAAEE 2024 Promotional Toolkit.

A group photo featuring CEE-Change Fellow Holly Hummel and two members from the Bebe Crecer Sensory Workshop: Reusing plastic waste to make art at the Brazadas For the Ocean eventEngaging the Bocas del Toro Community in Climate Change Action Through Aquatic Sports

Travel to the Bocas del Toro region of Panama and learn how CEE-Change Fellow Holly Hummel engaged the local community in climate change action through a hands-on event filled with activities, art, and workshops.

Read Holly's story >

A teacher sits in the grass with students while talking about environmental educationStudents Become Teachers: Why Every School Needs Environmental Education

Director of Environmental Education for Garrison Union Free School District Rachel Arbor shares why integrating EE into every subject is essential for preparing students to tackle real-world issues. 

Read more from Rachel >

eeBLUE logo with NAAEE and NOAA imageseeBLUE Is Hiring Evaluation Consultants

Due by July 15, 2024
NAAEE seeks evaluators to assess the 21st CCLC eeBLUE Watershed STEM Education Partnerships Grants Program and eeBLUE Aquaculture Literacy Mini-Grants Program. Share with your networks!

Read RFPs >

A smiling child with pigtails holds their hands up to shout.Register for NatStart24

July 31–August 3
Gather insights, emerging methodologies, and community in early childhood EE at NatStart24. This Natural Start Alliance conference takes place in Portland, Oregon, and virtually.

Register >

Esteban Gast wears a denim jacket and holds a microphone next to the words "The Serious Role of 'Silly' in Talking & Teaching About Climate"

The Serious Role of "Silly" In Talking & Teaching About Climate

Enjoy laughing and learning in this eeWEBINAR with comedian and educator Esteban Gast as he teaches new ways to talk about difficult topics.

View recording >

 Autumn-colored beech leaves with single orange maple leaf

Find (& Share) Your Next Job on eeJOBS

Whether you are searching for your new career or looking for candidates, eeJOBS, NAAEE's free job listing service, is the place to be.  

Visit eeJOBS >

From the eePRO Community


Professional Development

Path to a Just and Sustainable Africa Workshop

Environmental Action Civics Core Training

Raising More Money by Asking (and Answering) Better Questions eeWEBINAR recording

More >


Grants, Contests, Publishing

2024 Smithsonian National Education Summit | Free Event

Educators for Polar STEAM Needed

Join Early Childhood Educators at NatStart24 (July 31–Aug 3)

More >


For Students and Educators

AskNature Portal

"The Overheating Earth and the Uprooting of America" [Podcast]

Wild Wonders of Madagascar: A Virtual Field Trip

Spring 2024 ANCA Journal

More >

Join NAAEE’s eePRO community to network with environmental education professionals around the world.
1250 24th Street, NW
Suite 801
Washington, DC 20037
This email bulletin is funded by the Office of Environmental Education at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency through ee360+, the Environmental Education and Training Program led by NAAEE under Assistance Agreement No. NT 84019001. It has not been formally reviewed by EPA. The views expressed in this document are solely those of the NAAEE, and EPA does not endorse any products or commercial services mentioned in this publication.
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