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The latest news, resources, and opportunities in the EE community

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naaee logo, teal icon of north america and circle around it, "North American Association for Environmental Education"

It's Time to Strut Your Stuff! NAAEE 2023 Call for Presentations Closes Soon!

Due May 5
No more procrastinating! With just two weeks left, now is the time to submit your proposal for the NAAEE Annual Conference and Research Symposium, taking place virtually this year. Read the Conference CFP and Research Symposium CFP for details and please share!

Volunteer to be a reviewer through the proposal platform.

Submit your proposal >



A hand scoops up dark red soil.Local Perspectives on Poverty, Hunger, and EE in Africa

EE 30 Under 30 alum Mariam Merry Kabamba and guest writer Wilmont Benkele dig into the issues hindering access to education in Africa and provide potential solutions.

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Climate Change Education Research Needs Your Input

Support groundbreaking research on climate communication and education services in the United States. Please take the 20-minute survey for organizations with nonformal climate communication and education programming.

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Pink cherry blossom clusters at Tidal BasinInviting School Infrastructure and Sustainability Commitments

The U.S. Department of Education invites national, regional, and local nonprofits, foundations, businesses, and community-based organizations to share their commitment to advance school sustainability, encompassing infrastructure, health, environmental sustainability education, climate, and environmental justice in America.

Submit your commitment >


A group of hikers stand in front of mossy boulderNature Hiking: What I Have Discovered and Learned

Nancy Green-Smith shares her experience creating a local hiking group and what she has learned in the process.

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A striped green frog hides behind text "Citizen Science Month," hosted by Science Friday and SciStarter.Citizen Science Month Webinars

Science Friday is offering a series of four free webinars for educators and caregivers interested in investigating biodiversity and sharing hands-on science with kids.

See the full schedule >

eeWEBINAR Climate Change Education

Climate Change Education Survey Results

May 3, 3:00 PM ET
Join this eeWEBINAR to hear the results of the climate change education survey and its implications for our collective work in EE.

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Registration for NatStart23 Is Now Open!

July 24–28 online
This year’s Nature-Based Early Learning Conference will explore mental health and wellness through the lens of outdoor learning and offers live online events and yearlong access to on-demand sessions.

Register now >

CEE-Change Fellowship Accepting Applications

Apply by May 15
ee360+ and Cedar Tree Foundation seek applicants for the CEE-Change Fellowship, which includes a special focus on climate change and education.

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From the eePRO Community


Professional Development

Living Systems Leadership Workshop

Wild Solutions on an Urban PreK–12 School Campus

Nature Education Online Course

More >


Grants, Contests, Publishing

Submit a Proposal for #NAAEE2023

Climate and Equity Institute Opportunity for High School Teachers

Climate Education and Civic Engagement

More >


For Students and Educators

Podcast: Why Climate Journalism Matters

Trauma-Informed EE

Learning to Protect Democracy

You(th) Be the Change

More >

Join NAAEE’s eePRO community to network with environmental education professionals around the world.
1250 24th Street, NW
Suite 801
Washington, DC 20037
This email bulletin is funded by the Office of Environmental Education at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency through ee360+, the Environmental Education and Training Program led by NAAEE under Assistance Agreement No. NT 84019001. It has not been formally reviewed by EPA. The views expressed in this document are solely those of the NAAEE, and EPA does not endorse any products or commercial services mentioned in this publication.
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