Final Week to Submit for the GEEP Youth Innovation Challenge!
Due July 19
One week remains to submit solutions for "Saving Our Seas," the 2023 Youth Innovation Challenge. Youth ages 15–30 can submit their ideas for improving marine conservation and biodiversity and will be eligible for a $1,000 USD prize.
Learn more >
Nature Preschools Continue to Expand in the United States
The Natural Start Alliance has just released the findings of a 2022 nationwide survey of nature preschools, which provides updated and expanded information about the number, distribution, and operations of programs, along with basic characteristics of staff and children in nature preschools.
Read the results >
Leading Environmental Change: Children and Youth Inventors
STEMIE Advantages, a 2022 recipient of a Pratt & Whitney E-STEM Award, guides children and youth of underrepresented communities to solve problems that they care about. Read their addition to the NAAEE E-STEM Stories: Branching Out blog series about innovative E-STEM work from around the world.
Meet STEMIE Advantages >
Latino Conservation Week 2023
Mark your calendars for Latino Conservation Week, taking place July 17–July 25. Discover the events near you and access the event planning guide and other resources.
Get more information >
Connecting with Your Community to Combat the Climate Crisis
July 13, 3:00 PM ET
What role does “network climate action” have in influencing friends and family to take climate action?
Register now >
NatStart23 Kicks Off Soon!
July 24–28, 2023
The conference is just days away. Top off your summer with the chance to learn, connect, and have fun. Register and share ASAP!
Register here >